Training our next generation 

Khurkh Ecology Research Station provides hands-on field training opportunity for young generation of biologists in the country. Every year many young professionals and students from top universities in Mongolia visit the station and participate in different projects to learn practical experiences and for independent studies. 

Every year, we organzie national and internationl meetings, short courses and worshops on varios conservation and research topics. 

List of workshps and training held at KERS.

  • Crane capture and marking – August 2012
  • Birdwatching and identification training for park rangers  - June 2013
  • Rangeland monitoring – July 2014
  • GIS and RS training – August 2015
  • International seminar on protected areas management – July 2016
  • Eco-Hydrology training and workshop – August 2016
  • USFS Rangeland Management Internship – July – Sep 2016
  • International Workshop on White-naped crane, August 2016
  • International Conference on Asian Great Bustards, May 2017
  • Cranes and Wetlands Summer School, June 2018
  • Social Scientfic data collection and analysis, August 2019

Capacity building has always been a major part of any research and conservation projects in Mongolia. As the country develops its economy there is more and growing need for better and skilled profesionals in the field of natural science, in particularly wetland, hydrology and natural resource managements. Our capacity building program has partnered with several top universities in Mongolia, universities in USA, UK, Germany, China, Russia, and Sweden, and organizations such as the International Crane Foundation, US Forest Service, UN NEASPEC, WWF Mongolia, and Wetlands International.